It’s official. Turtles make the best bloggers!

18 08 2009

This is great!  I was just searching my name on Bing to see how my SEO was doing, and I found a blog post titled “Wanna be a great blogger?  Be a turtle!” Glad to know turtles have a natural advantage in the blogging world.  🙂

And even better, searched my name on Google and guess what the #1 result is….me!  One of these days it will be my blog rather than my Twitter feed listed, but this is a great start.

Google Top Listing

I’m still looking for more ways to boost traffic to the blog.  I’ve linked to my Twitter account, set up a Google Profile, listed the blog on Blog Catalog, posted on related blogs, and done some reading on blogging strategies and SEO, but in the end I think it will come down to quality content and patience.  I’ve gotten some questions from readers on how to raise turtles, so hopefully I can start sharing some knowledge about turtle-keeping (uh, me-keeping) in addition to my technological pursuits and social commentary.  And then there’s always the matter of figuring out why humans enjoy wiggling their fingers so much when they’re near glass…

I love getting suggestions and questions for the blog.  Keep them coming!

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Single green female seeks friendship with fellow turtle

12 08 2009

Those of you who’ve met me in person know that I live with a school of minnows and can peek out of my tank and see hundreds of fry butting heads (accidentally, due to the overpopulation), snails going at it (yes, like that), and shrimp doing, uh, shrimpy things next door.  (Skittering, maybe?  Yeah, skittering.)  But I really don’t get the impression that anyone  here quite understands me.  My human shares my love of technology and has been blogging himself, and the fish certainly understand my “water’s always bluer” mentality (known to some as claustrophobia), but there’s something uniquely turtle about me that keep us from really hitting it off.   So I’m working up the courage to venture into the world of virtual friendship.

I came across the blog of another turtle the other day and instantly felt a connection… it’s as if every word in his blog is a window into my soul, and pure poetry:

i like to
around the Tank
and float on th
e loG

Okay, so it was prose in his blog, but anything is better e.e. cummingsified.  Everything this Turtle says just speaks to me.  (No, that wasn’t more e.e. cummingsification; he really goes by Turtle, though his given name is Tiny.)   If only I weren’t so shy and could actually speak back!

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